[Opic] 질문 모음2 (recycle, hotel, bike, responsibility at home)
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| Recycle 관련 2분52초 ~ 8분39초
- Q2.
I would like to know how recycling is practiced in your country. What do people specifically do ? Tell me how things are recycled.
- 해석.
너희 나라에서 재활용이 어떻게 행해지고 있는지 알고 싶어. 사람들은 구체적으로 무엇을 하나요?
재활용 방법을 알려주세요.
- 예시답변.
recycling is important. we do recycling to fight global warming.
we sort out meterial into recyclying bin.
recycling us a great way to start fighting against global warming.
- Q3.
Recycling is a common practice. Tell me about all the different kinds of things that you recycle.
- 해석.
재활용은 흔한 관행이에요. 당신이 재활용하는 모든 다른 종류의 것들에 대해 말해주세요.
- 예시 답변.
to be specific, we sort out meterial like plastic, paper, glass and so on into recyclying bin.
they are collected and sent to a recycling center.
they are transpomed into new products.
that's all i can think (댓츠셜라이큰) of now. that's about it => 제가 생각나는 것은 여기까지 입니다. 이정도로 마무리 할게요.
저 근데 궁금한게..... 2,3번 결국 같은걸 물어보는 거 아닌가요... 2번에서 이미 대답을 다 했으면 3번은 대답하기 어려웠을 것 같습니다... 너무 어렵네요.
오픽은 3콤보를 출제되어서 본인이 외우고 있는 것을 적절히 나눠서 대답해야 합니다 ㅠ_ㅠ 하...
- Q4.
Problems sometimes occur when recycling. Perhaps, the pick-up service did not come as planned. Or the items were too big for the containers. Tell me about something memorable related to recycling.
- 해석.
재활용 시 문제가 발생하기도 한다. 픽업 서비스가 계획대로 되지 않았을 수도 있다. 아니면 그 물건들이 컨테이너에 비해 너무 컸을 수도 있다. 재활용과 관련하여 기억에 남을 만한 것에 대해 말해 주세요.
- 예시 답변.
I tend to lose thing.
when i went to recycle.
i should have thrown bill. but i threw away a ticket.
i was stupid.
so these days, i check it one more time before throwing something away.
also i'm checking again before leave what am i missing something.
아래에는 유튜브에는 없지만, 아래 사이트에서 추가적으로 재활용 관련하여 나올 수 있는 문제를 가져왔습니다.
[재활용 관련 이슈]
- Q.
Are there any issues or problems regarding recycling? have you seen any news related to recyling recnetly? what was it about? give me all the dtails about any issues on recyling.
- 예시 답변.
i'm gonna say about the dispoable cups in coffee shop.
i heard that using disposable cups in coffee shop is banned by laws.
when you order the coffee, the staff will ask whether you drinks here or to go.
if you choose inside, you will receive the coffee with a mug.
i'm totally agree this rule.
we should do our best to produce less garbage.
key word : using disposable cups in coffee shop is banned by laws 카페에서 일회용컵 사용 규제
참고 : https://chijunnojam.tistory.com/3
오픽 IH 스크립트 - 재활용
오픽 준비하면서 만들었던 스크립트 공유합니다! 주제는 재활용입니다. [우리나라 재활용 묘사] Tell me about recycling in your country. What kind of items do people usually recycle? Please describe the r..
| hotel 관련 8분39초 ~ 14분 40초
- Q5.
I would like to know about the hotels *where you are at. What are they like? Where are they Located? Are they different from the hotels in other countries? Tell me about the hotels in your country.
- 해석.
당신이 있는 곳의 호텔에 대해 알고 싶어요. 그들은 어떤가요? 그들은 어디에 있는가? 그들은 다른 나라의 호텔들과 다른가요? 당신 나라의 호텔에 대해 말해주세요.
*where you are at : 네가 있는 곳
- 예시 답변.
I think every hotel in different countires are quite similar (to one another).
it more depends on where you're going and staying.
also, it depends on how tight your budget is.
i usually go to 신라 hotel. it is located downtown of seoul.
it is very spacious and convenient to use.
it is well maintained, clean and comfortable.
also it is conveniently located.
you can go there by public transportation.
it takes only 10 minute to get there
When was the last time you went to a hotel? Describe your last hotel experience in as much detail as possible.
- 해석.
호텔에 마지막으로 간 게 언제죠? 마지막 호텔 경험을 가능한 한 자세히 설명하십시오.
- 예시 답변.
i recently went on a trip to 여수 with my friend.
we saw the sight and took a rest in the hotel.
it was great.
the hotel had nice atmosphere
the staff there was kind and welcoming.
it is a perfect place for R&R
*R&R : Rest & Relaxation => 휴식과 이완
Tell me about a memorable hotel you stayed at. Why was that hotel special? How did you pick that hotel in the first place? What do you remember most about your stay at that hotel?
- 해석.
당신이 머물렀던 기억에 남는 호텔에 대해 말해주세요. 그 호텔은 왜 특별한가요? 애초에 그 호텔을 어떻게 선택했나요? 그 호텔에 묵은 것에 대해 가장 기억에 남는 것은 무엇입니까?
- 예시 답변.
3년전에 제주도를 갔어요. 그리고 호텔에서 머물렀어요.
괜찮은 호텔을 기대하긴 했지만 훌륭한 호텔을 기대하지는 않았죠. 기대한것 이상이었어요.
서비스도 좋았어요. 분위기도 훌륭했어요.
하지만 뜻하지 않게 어떤 일이 벌어졌어요.
저는 호텔 근처에 있는 전통 벼룩 시장에 갔어요.
다양한 종류의 물건을 파는 많은 노점상들이 있었어요.
무언가를 사고 난 후, 제가 바가지를 썼다는 것을 알게 되었어요.
이것은 제 인생중에 가장 기억에 남아요.
i went to jeju 3 years ago and stayed in a hotel.
i expeted the hotel to be good, but i didn't expect it to be great.
it was beyond my expectations.
their service was nice. the atmosphere was great.
but something happend unexpectedly.
i went to a traditional frlea market near the hotel.
it has a large street vendors selling every kind of product
after buying something. i noticed that i got ripped off(륍도프)
it was the most memorable day of my life
| bike 관련 14분 40초 ~ 19초 25초
- Q8.
You indicated in the survey that you enjoy biking. Biking is a very popular hobby. When do you enjoy riding your bicycle? Where do you usually go and with whom?
- 예시 답변.
I go biking almost everyday. i try to biking as often as i can.
It is great way to keep in shape. => 건강을 유지하는 좋은 방법이예요.
I usually go there early in the morning coz there aren't many people there.
I enjoy biking and spend sometime there.
- Q9.
How did you develop your interest in bike riding? Who taught you how to ride and how
old were you? Provide as many details as possible.
- 예시 답변.
my father taught me about biking when i was in elementary school.
at first, it was very hard for me, but eventually, i got it right.
there were quite a few times i really wanted to give up.
now biking is fun to me. it is a natural thing to do.
it's not a big deal. it has become part of my life.
there's no doubt that bking is my no 1 hobby
Describe a memorable experience you have had while biking. When did it occur? Who were you with? What happened?
- 예시 답변.
One evening, i went a park near my house to ride bike.
but something happend unexpectly
we had blackout in the entire area.
i hoped would last couple of minute. but it lasted quite a long time
we couldn't finish biking. and we had to leave the park.
| 롤플레이 관련 관련 19초 25초 ~
Now, I would like to give you a situation and ask you to act it out. Let’s suppose that you want to watch a movie with your friend. Call the theater and ask about three or four questions about the movie to watch.
- 예시 답변.
I'm calling to get some information about the theater.
i gonna go there with my friend this saturday. i have some questions for you.
where is it located? can you tell me how to get there?
what are the prices? what is your recommendation?
do you have a parking lot? is it free?
thank you. i appreciate it.
I’m sorry, but you have a problem I need you to resolve. You and your friend were supposed to watch a movie together, but you can’t make it because of an emergency. Call you friend and explain the situation, and offer two or three alternatives.
- 예시 답변.
정리: bad news -> 못가는 이유 -> 대안 -> 공감해주기, 괜찮아 -> 보상해주기
i have some bad news. i'm sorry but i need to see a doctor.
i can't eat anything and i have a headache.
i can't make it to the theater today.
i'd like to suggest some alternative.
can you call your firned and see if they will go?
if not, i know some good people i can call them.
i know this is your favorite movie and i don't want you to miss it because of me.
so just go without me. no problem. thank you understand me.
i will treat you to dinner in the near future.
Have you ever had a situation in which you canceled an appointment with your friend due to some unexpected matter? If so, what was the problem? Please tell me everything that happened on that day.
- 해석.
그걸로 상황은 끝이야. 혹시 예상치 못한 일로 친구와 약속을 취소한 적이 있나요? 그렇다면, 무엇이 문제였을까요? 그날 있었던 일을 모두 말해주세요.
- 예시 답변.
오픽은 시험 범위가 광범위 함으로, 모든 것을 공부할 수 없다.그렇기 때문에 기존에 외웠던 script를 가지고 순발력있게 바꿀 줄 알아야 한다.
Last year, i was supposed to take a trip to 순천 with my friends.
i reserved(뤼졀브) a guesthouse in advance.
but the problem was that the night before the trip i was feeling sick.
i had some sniffles.
i got a runny nose.
i kept coughing(쿼핑) and sneezing.
the next morning, i woke up with a severe(세비어) fever.
i couldn't move at all.
truly i had caught a very serious flue and had to stay at the hospital for the next two days.
of course, i couldn't get a refund because i was in the hospital.
i hate being sick. but there was nothing i could do about it.
*sniffles 코 훌쩍거림, runny nose 콧물, cough 기침, sneeze 재채기, severe 혹독한, 심한
| 집안 책임에 관련하여=> 집안일과 엮어 대답하는 것을 추천!
What is your responsibility at home or in your family? What is your role? Tell me in detail.
- 해석.
가정과 가족 중 어떤 것을 책임지고 계십니까? 당신의 역할은 무엇입니까? 자세히 말해 주세요.
- 예시 답변.
I live by myself. so i have to do housework by myself.
such as 집안일~
at first it was hard for me. but now it is a natural thing to do.
집안의 책임에 대해서 이야기할 때는 집안일과 연결지어 답변하는 것이 좋다.
~와 같은 : such as
[집안일 관련 표현]
- 집안일 : housework, house chores
- 청소기를 돌리다 : vacuum the house
- 바닥을 쓸다 : sweep the floor
- 바닥의 닦다 : mop the floor
- 쓰레기를 꺼내다/버리다 : take out garbage
음식물 food waste, 상한음식 spoiled food
- 설거지를 하다 : wash the dishes
- 빨래하다 : do the laundry
I also do some house chores at home. Ask me three or four questions about my house chores.
- 해석.
나도 집에서 집안일도 좀 해. 제 집안일에 대해 서너 가지 질문을 하세요.
- 예시 답변.
그 밖에 다른 문제도 있는데 자세한 사항은 유튜브 참조해주세요!
또한 해석은 번역기를 돌린 것이기 때문에 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다!
☞ 다른 오픽 정보가 궁금하신분들은 아래를 클릭해주세요.
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